
核心提示:2024美國紐約國際藝術(shù)展頒獎(jiǎng)典禮暨新聞發(fā)布會(huì)The 2024 New York International Art Expo Awards Ceremony and Press Conference張耀偉博士率中國藝術(shù)家代表團(tuán)參加2024紐約


The 2024 New York International Art Expo Awards Ceremony and Press Conference



"Certificate of Dr. Zhang Yaowei's participation in the 2024 New York Art Expo."

美國亞洲藝術(shù)學(xué)會(huì)(AMERICAN  ASIAN  ARTS .)是美國亞裔社會(huì),頗具規(guī)模和影響力的一個(gè)專業(yè)藝術(shù)機(jī)構(gòu)。今年組建強(qiáng)大的華人藝術(shù)家參展陣容,已成為2024“紐約國際藝術(shù)博覽會(huì)”最為靚麗的風(fēng)景之一!

The American Asian Arts Society (AMERICAN ASIAN ARTS) is a significant and influential professional art organization within the American Asian community. This year,the American Asian Arts Society assembled a formidable lineup of Chinese artists has become one of the most dazzling highlights of the 2024 New York International Art Expo!


2024年 美國紐約國際藝術(shù)博覽會(huì)部分場景

"Partial scenes from the 2024 USA New York International Art Expo."

2024 New York Art Expo Booth Signage: American Asian Arts Society, Shanghai Chinese Calligraphy Institute.

美國紐約國際藝術(shù)博覽會(huì)是目前全球規(guī)模最大的原創(chuàng)作品,版畫,油畫,雕塑,攝影,數(shù)碼噴繪,平版印刷等藝術(shù)作品的綜合展覽會(huì),每年都有數(shù)以千計(jì)的藝術(shù)家,帶著成千上萬的新藝術(shù)作品參加這次藝術(shù)盛會(huì)。每次都有多達(dá)約數(shù)萬計(jì)的藝術(shù)愛好者,聚集來這里,包括畫廊業(yè)主,藝術(shù)經(jīng)銷商,室內(nèi)設(shè)計(jì)師,建築設(shè)計(jì)師和藝術(shù)零售商 。無疑已成為為世界最大的藝術(shù)品交易平臺(tái)之一。

The New York International Art Expo is the world's largest comprehensive exhibition of original works, including paintings, prints, sculptures, photography, digital painting, lithography, and more. Each year, thousands of artists participate in this grand art event with tens of thousands of new artworks.It has undoubtedly become one of the world's largest art trading platforms withthousands of audiences  including gallery owners, art dealers, interior designers, architects, and art retailers.


Over the past half-century, the New York International Art Expo has fostered many world-renowned painting artists, including Andy Warhol, Peter Max, Ellen Qiongzhao, Robert Indiana, among many others, all of whom gained fame through their participation in the New York International Art Expo.



2024 New York Art Expo Booth Signage: American Asian Arts Society, Shanghai Chinese Calligraphy Institute.


At this year's New York International Art Expo, the delegation of Chinese artists representing Beijing, Shanghai, Zhejiang, and Fujian, led by Dr. Zhang Yaowei, Executive Director of the Shanghai Chinese Calligraphy Institute and President of the Shanghai Cultural and Artwork Appraisal Promotion Association, presented works that were among the most spectacular and dazzling at the exhibition, earning high praise from art experts and enthusiasts from around the world.



Here are the artistic resumes and achievements of some of the heavyweight exhibiting artists:

"Exhibition Area for Chinese Artists' Works"


Dr. Zhang Yaowei's resume: Cultural scholar and calligrapher、painter. Also known as Yaozhi,Sun and moon ZenHeart, with studio names Daohuaixuan and Daonanzhai. Holds a Ph.D., serves as a researcher and professor. Studied under the great masters of Chinese culture, Nan Huaijin, and traditional Chinese medicine, Qiu Peiran. He is the President of the Shanghai Cultural and Artistic Appraisal Promotion Association, Executive Dean of the Shanghai Chinese Calligraphy Institute, and founder of Daonancollege. Additionally, he serves as the Vice Chairman of the National School Sports Alliance Robotics Committee, Director of the Shanghai Representative Office of the Chinese International Calligraphy and Painting Art Research Association, member of the Shanghai Calligraphers Association, and painter at the Shanghai Calligraphy and Painting Academy. He has held various positions such as municipal civil servant in Shanghai, manager of Shanghai TV Station, General Manager of the Wenhui Xinmin Newspaper Group and the Liberation Daily Newspaper Group Advertising Center, Vice President of the Shanghai People's Publishing House, and editor-in-chief of "Youth Generation," "Domestic and Foreign Digests," and "Young Girl" magazines. Since May 2007, he has been the head of an enterprise group, a director of the Asia Silver Financial Group, and Chairman of the Daonan Group Board of Directors.


中國藝術(shù)家代表團(tuán)團(tuán)長 張耀偉博士在2024年紐約國際藝術(shù)博覽會(huì)展位上"Leader of the Chinese Artist DelegationDr. Zhang Yaowei at the booth of the 2024 New York International Art Expo."


張耀偉博士出生于中醫(yī)世家,并隨國醫(yī)大師裘沛然先生學(xué)習(xí)傳統(tǒng)中醫(yī)文化,協(xié)助編寫《人學(xué)散墨》等。參與組織舉辦諸多書畫活動(dòng),例如:《紀(jì)念孫中山先生150周年中外名家書法展》,《正大氣象---紀(jì)念胡問遂誕辰100周年國際書法展作品集》,《胡問遂師生書法文集》,《大愛無疆—講好抗疫故事名家書法展》,《紀(jì)念改革開放四十周年中外名家書法展》,《紀(jì)念建軍九十周年九十位將軍書法展》,《紀(jì)念辛亥革命110周年滬臺(tái)名家書法展》,《紀(jì)念甲骨文發(fā)現(xiàn)120周年甲骨文書法篆刻展》,《全國篆刻名家作品展》,《上海書寫大字委員會(huì)書法家赴聯(lián)合國展》,《紀(jì)念宋慶齡先生誕辰130周年書法邀請展》等重大活動(dòng)。其書畫作品,多次在海內(nèi)外展出, 2020年元月《立雪南門—張耀偉個(gè)人作品展名人名家墨跡展》在上海圖書館舉辦,引起社會(huì)反響。2023年6月,在紐約曼哈頓由世界藝術(shù)中心、美中留學(xué)生聯(lián)合會(huì)主辦《藝術(shù)與哲學(xué)暨張耀偉作品展》,作品被收藏家收藏。


Dr. Zhang Yaowei has been following the teachings of the Chinese cultural master Nan Huaijin, contributing to the creation, planning, and editing of several works by Nan Huaijin. Notably, works such as "Nan Huaijin, A Master of the Generation Not Far Away," "Selected Poems of Nan Huaijin in Five Styles," "Standing Snow at the Southern Gate," "Optimization of Advertising Management in Chinese Newspaper Groups," and "Chinese Culture and Mass Communication," all edited by him, have been well-received by readers.

Born into a family of traditional Chinese medicine, Dr. Zhang Yaowei also studied traditional Chinese medicine culture under the guidance of the master Qiu Peiran, assisting in the compilation of works such as "Renxue Sanmo" (人學(xué)散墨). He has been actively involved in organizing numerous calligraphy and painting events, including exhibitions such as "Commemorating the 150th Anniversary of Dr. Sun Yat-sen - Exhibition of Calligraphy by Famous Chinese and Foreign Artists," "Great Atmosphere - Collection of Works from the International Calligraphy Exhibition Commemorating the 100th Anniversary of Hu Wensui's Birth," and "Boundless Love - Exhibition of Famous Calligraphy in Telling Anti-epidemic Stories," among others.

His calligraphy and painting works have been exhibited both domestically and internationally. In January 2020, the "Standing Snow at the Southern Gate - Personal Exhibition of Zhang Yaowei's Works" held at the Shanghai Library received significant attention from society. In June 2023, his works were featured at the "Art and Philosophy, and Zhang Yaowei's Works Exhibition" in Manhattan, New York, organized by the World Art Center and the Association of Chinese Students and Scholars in the United States, and were collected by art collectors.

This year, Dr. Zhang Yaowei will present the following masterpieces to artists, art critics, collectors, and art enthusiasts from nearly 30 countries and New York:


Name of Artwork : Love.   Artist Name: Yaowei  Zhang :Size :50cmx50cm張耀偉博士作品

Material :Rice paper   color water.  加厚宣紙彩墨


His works have garnered extreme interest from the attendees. One collector from New York, deeply moved by Dr. Zhang's paintings, shed tears, saying, "I have not seen such excellent Chinese artwork in America before. Chinese art is the source of world art!"


On the afternoon of April 9th, 2024, the New York Masters Forum was held at the conference hall of 866 United Nations Plaza in Manhattan, New York. The forum was hosted by the United Nations NGO Strategic Alliance, World Art Center, meta Universe News Agency, and others, with co-sponsorship from the American UNNA Art School and the American 21st Century Cultural and Technological Association. Dr. Zhang Yaowei showcased his artworks and delivered a special lecture on "Calligraphy and Qigong," which was attended by numerous prominent figures from New York.



Dr. Zhang Yaowei attended the 2024 New York Masters Forum and took a group photo with distinguished guests at the United Nations Headquarters Plaza.

雪禪藝術(shù)簡歷: 藝術(shù)家, 美國亞洲藝術(shù)學(xué)會(huì)理事 ,生于西子湖畔, 喜琴棋書畫,詩,詞,歌,賦好音律。 師從李魁正先生等著名藝術(shù)家和博士生導(dǎo)師。 曾參加全國當(dāng)代優(yōu)秀畫家巡回展、紐約國際藝博會(huì)等眾多國內(nèi)外藝展,部分作品已被國內(nèi)外各大藝術(shù)機(jī)構(gòu)收藏。2021年曾經(jīng)榮獲美國亞洲藝術(shù)學(xué)會(huì)頒發(fā)的《藝術(shù)家終身成就獎(jiǎng)》。

雪禪今年將她的以下杰作展示給 “紐約國際藝術(shù)博覽會(huì)”:

SnowZen Art Resume: An artist and director of the American Society of Asian Arts, born near the West Lake, enjoys playing musical instruments, chess, calligraphy, painting, poetry, songs, and essays with a passion for musical rhythm. Studied under renowned artists and doctoral supervisors such as Mr. Li Kuizheng. Participated in numerous national and international art exhibitions, including the National Contemporary Outstanding Painters Tour Exhibition and the New York International Art Expo. Some of her works have been collected by major art institutions at home and abroad. In 2021, she was honored with the "Lifetime Achievement Award" by the American Society of Asian Arts.

The artist's style is characterized by elegance, classical purity, transcendence, and a Zen-like detachment akin to snow. With the rhythm of graceful poetry, she turns the ethereal Zen sentiments into pure ink charm, gracefully emerging from the artistic conception of Tang and Song poetry. The charm of ink wash painting is unique to China. While Snow Zen's works exude a cold and simple elegance, they possess a refined and distinctive charm amidst the vibrant and colorful art world. Just like Bo Ya meeting Zhong Ziqi, she hopes to find kindred spirits in the lofty mountains and flowing waters.This year, Snow Zen will showcase her masterpieces at the "New York International Art Expo".


Name of Artwork: Zen Enlightenment.Artist :Dr. Chan Xue(雪禪)Size :18”x26”
Material :Rice Paper Ink宣紙  墨  水

張偉宗先生藝術(shù)簡歷:生于1956年。擅長油畫及中國畫,從事繪畫50余年?,F(xiàn)為上海書畫院畫師,上海中國書法院畫師,上海文化藝術(shù)品鑒促進(jìn)會(huì)常務(wù)理事。 其作品中西結(jié)合、激情有加、渾然天成、清新脫俗。在臺(tái)灣、日本、新加坡、澳大利亞及國內(nèi)美術(shù)館展出,深受觀眾喜愛,好評如潮。作品時(shí)有登載于上海各大報(bào)刊雜志和傳播媒體上,并且編入上海人民美術(shù)出版社的《上海書畫篆刻家名典》、《當(dāng)代海上山水畫百家》、《當(dāng)代海上花鳥人物畫書法百家》等等。大量畫作被國內(nèi)外友人大量收藏。

張偉宗先生今年將他的以下杰作展示給 “紐約國際藝術(shù)博覽會(huì)”:


作品名稱:雨后水鄉(xiāng)WATER VILLAGE AFTER RAIN,藝術(shù)家姓名: 張偉宗 (Weizong Zhang)
Size: 75cmx50cm材質(zhì): 宣紙 墨水,Material: Rice Paper Ink.

Mr. Zhang Weizong's Art Resume: Born in 1956. Proficient in oil painting and Chinese painting, he has been engaged in painting for over 50 years. Currently, he serves as a painter at the Shanghai Calligraphy and Painting Academy, a painter at the Shanghai Chinese Calligraphy Academy, and a director of the Shanghai Cultural Promotion Association. His works combine Eastern and Western elements, brimming with passion, innate harmony, and refreshing elegance. Exhibited in art galleries in Taiwan, Japan, Singapore, Australia, and domestically, his works have garnered immense popularity and acclaim. Many of his works have been featured in major newspapers, magazines, and media outlets in Shanghai and included in publications such as "Shanghai Calligraphy and Painting Seal Engraving Masters," "Contemporary Maritime Landscape Paintings by a Hundred Artists," and "Contemporary Maritime Flowers, Birds, Figures, and Calligraphy by a Hundred Artists," by the Shanghai People's Fine Arts Publishing House. Numerous paintings have been extensively collected by friends both at home and abroad. Mr. Zhang Weizong will showcase the following masterpieces at the "New York International Art Expo" this year:


Introduction to Zhu Zhechi's Art: Zhu Zhechi is a Chinese-American artist born into an artistic family in Harbin. His father, Zhu Xianqi, graduated from the Central Academy of Arts and Crafts (now part of Tsinghua University's Academy of Arts and Design). Influenced by his father's artistic background and nurtured by his own innate talent and passion, Zhu Zhechi has been fortunate to pursue a career he loves. After graduating from the Oil Painting Department of Harbin Normal University, he worked for over a decade in the design studio of the Harbin Ice Lantern Garden Party, engaging in snow and ice art creation. Due to his profound love for artistic creation, he gave up lucrative job offers and settled in Shanghai to become a freelance artist. From 2005 to 2008, he was invited by a French art institution to sign a contract in Paris for art creation and solo exhibitions, participating in numerous international art fairs and exhibitions. In 2010, he immigrated to New York, USA, as a distinguished talent to pursue his artistic career. Through years of relentless effort, he has achieved certain recognition and acclaim in artistic creation, social activities, and influence.



One of his works is titled "Unity," with dimensions of 60cm x 60cm, created on oil painting canvas.
    陳貴旭藝術(shù)簡介:中國福建省人,1978年出生,中國民間文藝家協(xié)會(huì)會(huì)員,上海中國書法院入展藝術(shù)家,上海市美學(xué)學(xué)會(huì)書畫專委會(huì)理事,竹片書畫非遺項(xiàng)目發(fā)起人,傳承人,九福竹書畫藝術(shù)發(fā)展有限公司董事長。 陳貴旭自幼酷愛畫畫,1998年開始藝術(shù)創(chuàng)作,先后拜國畫大師朱屹瞻弟子張偉宗先生和吳湖帆、張大千再傳弟子蔡國忠先生研習(xí)中國山水畫。2015年從漢代竹簡和清朝竹簾畫中得到啟發(fā),堅(jiān)持不懈進(jìn)行竹簾書畫創(chuàng)作。同時(shí)在竹片上探索書畫創(chuàng)新,并獲得成功。2022年"政和竹片書畫"被南平市評為非物質(zhì)文化遺產(chǎn)保護(hù)項(xiàng)目。

金柏松先生是中國海派著名資深畫家、評論家。金先生對陳貴旭先生的繪畫藝術(shù)給予如下高度贊譽(yù): “陳貴旭先生作品氣勢磅礴,筆道,意境深遠(yuǎn)??此苽鹘y(tǒng)中國畫,但還能看得到畫家在畫上的許多新意。氣韻生動(dòng),是晉代文藝批評家謝赫評論繪畫標(biāo)準(zhǔn)六法的重要一法,自古以來都是文人們衡量繪畫藝術(shù)的首要準(zhǔn)則。在他的畫里我們感受到有一種生生不息的大氣撲面而來。貴旭的畫面吸收了傅抱石、關(guān)山月合作的<江山如此多嬌>式的俯瞰式構(gòu)圖展開,把對祖國大好河山的熱愛描繪盡致,用傳統(tǒng)國畫的散點(diǎn)透視功能發(fā)揮盡致。那大塊的綠色塊吸收了北宋大畫家王希孟的<千里江山圖>的裝飾性色塊,層層疊疊畫出了今日江山里的氣象萬千的氣勢。 更可喜的是陳貴旭先生獨(dú)創(chuàng)出竹片書畫藝術(shù),他把書畫藝術(shù)巧妙的書寫和繪制到竹片上,將書畫藝術(shù)和竹紋的自然美感融為一體。取得了良好的藝術(shù)效果,實(shí)在值得慶賀?!?

Chen Guixu Art Profile: Born in 1978 in Fujian Province, China, Chen Guixu is a member of the Chinese Folk Literature and Art Association, a commissioner of the Shanghai Chinese Calligraphy Academy, a director of the Painting and Calligraphy Special Committee of the Shanghai Aesthetics Society, the initiator and inheritor of the bamboo strip painting and calligraphy intangible cultural heritage project, and the chairman of Jufu Bamboo Painting and Calligraphy Art Development Co., Ltd. Chen Guixu has had a passion for painting since childhood and began artistic creation in 1998. He studied Chinese landscape painting under the tutelage of renowned Chinese painting masters such as Mr. Zhang Weizong, a disciple of Zhu Yizhan, Wu Hu Fan, Zhang Daqian, and the later disciple of Mr. Cai Guozhong. Inspired by bamboo slips from the Han Dynasty and bamboo curtain paintings from the Qing Dynasty in 2015, he persisted in creating bamboo curtain paintings. At the same time, he explored the innovation of painting and calligraphy on bamboo strips and achieved success. In 2022, "Zhenghe Bamboo Strip Painting and Calligraphy" was recognized as an intangible cultural heritage protection project by Nanping City.

Mr. Jin Baisong is a well-known senior painter and critic of the Chinese school. Mr. Jin highly praises Chen Guixu's painting art as follows: "Mr. Chen Guixu's works are magnificent in momentum, with profound brushstrokes and far-reaching artistic conception. They appear to be traditional Chinese paintings, yet one can still perceive many new ideas from the painter in them. The artistic conception is vivid, embodying one of the important principles of painting standards, as described by the literary critic Xie He in the Six Canons. Throughout history, this has been the primary criterion for measuring the art of painting by literati. In his paintings, we feel a kind of vigorous vitality coming forth endlessly. Guixu's works absorb the panoramic aerial composition seen in the collaborative work 'Jiangshan Ruoci Duojiao' by Fu Baoshi and Guan Shanyue, depicting the deep love for the motherland's landscapes in full. He fully utilizes the scattering perspective function of traditional Chinese painting to its fullest extent. The large blocks of green absorb the decorative color blocks from Wang Ximeng's 'Qianli Jiangshan Tu' in the Northern Song Dynasty, layering upon layer, painting out the magnificent momentum of today's landscapes. What is even more commendable is that Mr. Chen Guixu has created the art of bamboo strip painting and calligraphy. He ingeniously writes and draws calligraphy and painting on bamboo strips, integrating the natural beauty of bamboo textures with the art of calligraphy and painting. He has achieved remarkable artistic effects, which are truly worthy of celebration."

陳貴旭先生今年將他的以下杰作展示給 “紐約國際藝術(shù)博覽會(huì)”:

This year, Chen Guixu will showcase the following masterpieces at the "New York International Art Expo":


作品名稱:千峰競秀,畫家姓名: 陳貴旭尺寸32”x88”,材質(zhì):竹簾,礦物質(zhì)染料Title of the artwork: "Thousand Peaks Competing for Excellence" Artist's name: Chen Guixu Dimensions: 32" x 88" Material: Bamboo curtain, mineral



Left to right at the exhibition site: Xia Shanchen, Xu Jian, Li Tongxin, Zhang Ruizhi, Tao Jianmin, Ding Yizhi, Zhang Yaowei.

為弘揚(yáng)中華博大精深的文化藝術(shù),表彰近年在繪畫、雕塑、藝術(shù)策展及媒體宣傳、藝術(shù)鑒賞及評論等方面做出卓越貢獻(xiàn)的中國和美籍華人,由“中美文化藝術(shù)促進(jìn)會(huì)”,“美國亞洲藝術(shù)學(xué)會(huì)”,“上海中國書法院”,“上海文化藝術(shù)品鑒促進(jìn)會(huì)”, “美國環(huán)球龍視 (Global Dragon TV),“美國東西方藝術(shù)文化協(xié)會(huì)”, “YANBO HUANG  ART  Studio”, “ 北京過云樓書院” 等八家美中藝術(shù)團(tuán)體聯(lián)合主辦 《   2024’紐約國際藝術(shù)展頒獎(jiǎng)典禮暨新聞發(fā)布會(huì)》。

To promote the profound and extensive cultural and artistic heritage of China and recognize outstanding contributions in recent years in painting, sculpture, art curation, media promotion, art appreciation, and criticism by Chinese and Chinese-American individuals, the "Sino-American Cultural and Art Promotion Association," "American Society of Asian Arts," "Shanghai Chinese Calligraphy Academy," "Shanghai Cultural and Art Appreciation Promotion Association," "Global Dragon TV," "American East-West Art and Culture Association," "YANBO HUANG ART Studio," and "Beijing Guoyunlou Academy" jointly organize the "2024 New York International Art Exhibition Awards Ceremony and Press Conference."


美國世界藝術(shù)中心主席卡林,張耀偉博士與美國著名藝術(shù)家Sal Sidner交流。

Chairperson Karin of the American World Art Center, Dr. Zhang Yaowei, and the renowned American artist Sal Sidner are in discussion.

為弘揚(yáng)中華博大精深的文化藝術(shù),表彰近年在繪畫、雕塑、藝術(shù)策展及媒體宣傳、藝術(shù)鑒賞及評論等方面做出卓越貢獻(xiàn)的中國和美籍華人,由“中美文化藝術(shù)促進(jìn)會(huì)”,“美國亞洲藝術(shù)學(xué)會(huì)”,“上海中國書法院”,“上海文化藝術(shù)品鑒促進(jìn)會(huì)”, “美國環(huán)球龍視 (Global Dragon TV),“美國東西方藝術(shù)文化協(xié)會(huì)”, “YANBO HUANG  ART  Studio”, “ 北京過云樓書院” 等八家美中藝術(shù)團(tuán)體聯(lián)合主辦 《   2024’紐約國際藝術(shù)展頒獎(jiǎng)典禮暨新聞發(fā)布會(huì)》。

To promote the profound and extensive cultural and artistic heritage of China and recognize outstanding contributions in recent years in painting, sculpture, art curation, media promotion, art appreciation, and criticism by Chinese and Chinese-American individuals, the "Sino-American Cultural and Art Promotion Association," "American Society of Asian Arts," "Shanghai Chinese Calligraphy Academy," "Shanghai Cultural and Art Appreciation Promotion Association," "Global Dragon TV," "American East-West Art and Culture Association," "YANBO HUANG ART Studio," and "Beijing Guoyunlou Academy" jointly organize the "2024 New York International Art Exhibition Awards Ceremony and Press Conference."


《   2024’紐約國際藝術(shù)展頒獎(jiǎng)典禮暨新聞發(fā)布會(huì)》主會(huì)場。

Main venue of the "2024 New York International Art Exhibition Awards Ceremony and Press Conference."

《   2024’紐約國際藝術(shù)展頒獎(jiǎng)典禮暨新聞發(fā)布會(huì)》由世界著名電視節(jié)目雙語金牌主持人,作家,電視制片人 黃斯諾(Rose Hong)女士和美國資深國際藝術(shù)策展人陶健民先生(James Tao) 共同主持。
     中美文化藝術(shù)促進(jìn)會(huì)會(huì)長,前美國總統(tǒng)親自任命的美國民權(quán)委員會(huì)副主席,旅美華裔最資深的政治家和社會(huì)活動(dòng)家王培先生(Mr. Charles P. Wang) 致辭并頒發(fā)以下褒獎(jiǎng)狀:
張耀偉 -功勛藝術(shù)家杰出藝術(shù)成就獎(jiǎng)
雪禪 - 功勛藝術(shù)家卓越藝術(shù)成就獎(jiǎng)
張偉宗 -功勛藝術(shù)家卓越藝術(shù)成就獎(jiǎng)
黃燕博 (YANBO HUANG)-功勛藝術(shù)家卓越藝術(shù)成就獎(jiǎng)
鄭陵江 -功勛藝術(shù)家卓越藝術(shù)成就獎(jiǎng)
張煌平 -功勛藝術(shù)家卓越藝術(shù)成就獎(jiǎng)
 陳貴旭 -當(dāng)代藝術(shù)家卓越學(xué)術(shù)創(chuàng)新獎(jiǎng)
葉纖 - 當(dāng)代藝術(shù)家卓越學(xué)術(shù)創(chuàng)新獎(jiǎng)
黃斯諾(ROSE HONG)-國際杰出藝術(shù)傳媒人金獎(jiǎng)
愛倫.昭瓊 (Mrs. Ellen Qiongzhao Schicktanz)-世界藝術(shù)引領(lǐng)者終身成就獎(jiǎng)
陶健民 -國際藝術(shù)策展人杰出貢獻(xiàn)獎(jiǎng)

Mr. SUNNY  WANG             國際功勛藝術(shù)鑒賞、評論家卓越成就獎(jiǎng)

張耀偉 -功勛藝術(shù)家藝術(shù)杰出成就獎(jiǎng)
張偉宗 -功勛藝術(shù)家卓越藝術(shù)成就獎(jiǎng)
陳貴旭 - 當(dāng)代藝術(shù)家卓越學(xué)術(shù)創(chuàng)新獎(jiǎng)
 薛偉 - 當(dāng)代藝術(shù)家卓越學(xué)術(shù)創(chuàng)新獎(jiǎng)
 張煌平 - 當(dāng)代藝術(shù)家卓越學(xué)術(shù)創(chuàng)新獎(jiǎng)
 鄭陵江 -當(dāng)代藝術(shù)家卓越學(xué)術(shù)創(chuàng)新獎(jiǎng)
陳文麗 -當(dāng)代藝術(shù)家卓越學(xué)術(shù)創(chuàng)新獎(jiǎng)
朱者赤 -當(dāng)代藝術(shù)家卓越學(xué)術(shù)創(chuàng)新獎(jiǎng)

由 “功勛藝術(shù)家藝術(shù)杰出成就獎(jiǎng)”得主張耀偉博士、“功勛藝術(shù)家卓越藝術(shù)成就獎(jiǎng)”獲獎(jiǎng)人黃燕博女士(Mrs. Yanbo Huang)及“世界藝術(shù)引領(lǐng)者終身成就獎(jiǎng)“獲獎(jiǎng)人愛倫.昭瓊 博士(Mrs. Ellen Qiongzhao Schicktanz)代表獲獎(jiǎng)嘉賓發(fā)表獲獎(jiǎng)感言。

The "2024 New York International Art Exhibition Awards Ceremony and Press Conference" was co-hosted by the world-renowned bilingual TV host, author, and TV producer, Ms. Rose Hong, and the senior international art curator, Mr. James Tao.

Mr. Wang Jiangang, Vice President of the United Nations Correspondents Association, delivered the opening speech. Vice President Wang highly praised the outstanding artistic achievements of the attending artists and the contributions of Chinese and Chinese-American artists to world culture, art, and Sino-American relations! He extended warm congratulations to the award recipients!

Mr. Charles P. Wang, President of the Sino-American Cultural and Art Promotion Association, Vice Chair of the United States Commission on Civil Rights appointed by the former U.S. President, and the most senior Chinese-American politician and social activist in the United States, delivered a speech and presented the following commendations:

Zhang Yaowei - Distinguished Artist Award for Outstanding Artistic Achievement

Xue Chan - Distinguished Artist Award for Excellence in Artistic Achievement

Zhang Weizong - Distinguished Artist Award for Excellence in Artistic Achievement

Yanbo Huang - Distinguished Artist Award for Excellence in Artistic Achievement

Zheng Lingjiang - Distinguished Artist Award for Excellence in Artistic Achievement

Zhang Huangping - Distinguished Artist Award for Excellence in Artistic Achievement

Chen Guixu - Outstanding Academic Innovation Award for Contemporary Artists

Ye Xian - Outstanding Academic Innovation Award for Contemporary Artists

Rose Hong - Gold Award for International Outstanding Art Media Person

Mrs. Ellen Qiongzhao Schicktanz - Lifetime Achievement Award for World Art Leaders

James Tao - Outstanding Contribution Award for International Art Curators

Mr. Sunny Wang - Outstanding Achievement Award for International Art Appreciation and CriticismMr. Li Tongxin, Honorary Chairman of the American Society of Asian Arts and President of the American East-West Art and Culture Association, a renowned Chinese-American master of calligraphy and painting living in the United States, delivered a speech and presented the following commendations:

Zhang Yaowei - Distinguished Artist Award for Outstanding Artistic Achievement

Zhang Weizong - Distinguished Artist Award for Excellence in Artistic Achievement

Chen Guixu - Outstanding Academic Innovation Award for Contemporary Artists

Xue Wei - Outstanding Academic Innovation Award for Contemporary Artists

Zhang Huangping - Outstanding Academic Innovation Award for Contemporary Artists

Zheng Lingjiang - Outstanding Academic Innovation Award for Contemporary Artists

Chen Wenli - Outstanding Academic Innovation Award for Contemporary Artists

Zhu Zhechi - Outstanding Academic Innovation Award for Contemporary ArtistsDr. Zhang Yaowei, recipient of the "Distinguished Artist Award for Outstanding Artistic Achievement," Ms. Yanbo Huang, recipient of the "Distinguished Artist Award for Excellence in Artistic Achievement," and Dr. Ellen Qiongzhao Schicktanz, recip


環(huán)球龍視現(xiàn)場采訪,左起:張睿之、黃斯諾(Rose Hong)、張耀偉、陶健民

Global Dragon TV onsite interview, from left to right: Zhang Ruizhi, Rose Huang, Zhang Yaowei, James Tao.

(張耀偉博士在2024紐約國際藝術(shù)展獲得“美國亞洲藝術(shù)學(xué)會(huì)” 執(zhí)行主席陶健民先生和美國東西方藝術(shù)文化協(xié)會(huì)會(huì)長,旅美著名書畫藝術(shù)大師李同欣先生頒發(fā)的“功勛藝術(shù)家藝術(shù)杰出成就獎(jiǎng)”并接受美國環(huán)球龍視采訪)

國際著名女高音歌唱家、畫家、2024年與世界著名男高音歌唱家Sergi卡雷拉斯在米蘭國際時(shí)裝節(jié)同臺(tái)演唱,載譽(yù)榮歸的紐約的聲樂博士葉纖小姐演唱了:莫扎特著名歌劇《魔笛》夜后的詠嘆調(diào) “der H?lle Rache”.她優(yōu)美嘹亮的歌聲震撼了全場, 將頒獎(jiǎng)晚會(huì)推向高潮。

多位美國時(shí)裝名模身披國際時(shí)裝設(shè)計(jì)師,“功勛藝術(shù)家卓越藝術(shù)成就獎(jiǎng)“獲獎(jiǎng)人黃燕博女士(Mrs. Yanbo Huang)手繪絲綢披肩和手繪真皮包走秀表演,成功的將藝術(shù)和時(shí)裝完美的融合在一起。



2024年4月4日至4月7日,在世界藝術(shù)之都——紐約曼哈頓36號碼頭舉行的“2024紐約國際藝術(shù)博覽會(huì)”隆重舉行。在此期間,2024年4月6日晚“2024紐約國際藝術(shù)展頒獎(jiǎng)典禮暨新聞發(fā)布會(huì)”在紐約法拉盛市,最豪華的君豪大酒店 圓滿落下帷幕。


美國亞洲藝術(shù)學(xué)會(huì)(AMERICAN  ASIAN  ARTS .) 是一家在美國亞裔社會(huì)頗具規(guī)模和影響力的專業(yè)藝術(shù)機(jī)構(gòu)。 專為中國和亞裔藝術(shù)家們策劃、實(shí)施在美國和全球的策展、媒體宣傳、鑒賞評論的專業(yè)機(jī)構(gòu)。EMAIL.americanasianart@gmail.com


Dr. Zhang Yaowei was awarded the "Distinguished Artist Award for Outstanding Artistic Achievement" by Mr. James Tao, Executive Chairman of the American Society of Asian Arts, and Mr. Li Tongxin, President of the American East-West Art and Culture Association, a renowned Chinese-American master of calligraphy and painting living in the United States, and was interviewed by Global Dragon TV.

Internationally renowned soprano singer, painter, and 2024 Milan International Fashion Festival co-performer with world-famous tenor singer Sergi Careras, Miss Ye Xian, a Ph.D. in vocal music from New York, sang Mozart's famous opera "The Magic Flute" aria "Der H?lle Rache". Her beautiful and bright voice captivated the audience, bringing the award ceremony to a climax.

Several American fashion models wore international fashion designer clothing, while Ms. Yanbo Huang, recipient of the "Distinguished Artist Award for Excellence in Artistic Achievement," hand-painted silk shawls and leather bags for a fashion show, successfully blending art and fashion perfectly.

Mr. Wang Yu, Vice President of the Chinese Harmonica Association, judge of the Tenth World Asia-Pacific Harmonica Competition, and recipient of the "New York Mayor's Award," performed his own adaptation of the song "Song of the Yangtze River" on the harmonica, which was highly praised by everyone!

The evening ended with a beautiful performance of the "Yi Ethnic Dance Music" by Miss Zhang Boyu (Sunshine Beibei), a pipa player living in the United States, chief pipa player of the New York CBA Cultural Arts Center, and United Nations Peace Music Ambassador.

From April 4th to April 7th, 2024, the "2024 New York International Art Expo" was held at Pier 36 in Manhattan, the capital of world art. During this period, on the evening of April 6th, the "2024 New York International Art Exhibition Awards Ceremony and Press Conference" was successfully held at the luxurious Jun Hao Hotel in Flushing, New York.

The US art market accounts for 40% of the global art trade market share. The American Society of Asian Arts and other art institutions such as the Shanghai Chinese Calligraphy Academy will organize more Chinese and Chinese-American artists to participate in art exhibitions and exchanges in the United States.

The American Society of Asian Arts (AMERICAN ASIAN ARTS) is a professional art organization with considerable scale and influence in the Asian-American community in the United States. It specializes in planning, implementing, and promoting exhibitions, media publicity, and appreciation and critique for Chinese and Asian artists in the United States and globally. Email: americanasianart@gmail.com (Reported by CCTV photographer Wang Shuaiwei)


